Learning Management System

vLearn is our flagship, award winning Learning Management System powered by leading open source technologies and cloud.

vLearn is your Cloud powered Learning Management System (LMS). It provides a simple, secure and highly scalable virtual learning environment for your Organization. With over 70 custom applications, vLearn is equally good for organizations looking for a secure training platform! And yes, its on cloud, its limitless.

vLearn – Cloud powered Learning Management System (LMS)- vLearn provides a secure learning environment with provision for dedicated sites for the various courses taught at Institute. Each site has access to a number of tools including:

LMS Tools

Post current, time-critical information


Create and grade online or offline assignments.

Grade book

Calculate, Store and distribute grade information to students


View and Manage the list of Students and other participants.


Maintain Deadlines, Activities and course related events


Post a summary outline of course requirements and publish them on Calendar

Tests and Quizzes

Create and manage online assessments